Yes, I’m Crazy to Predict Anything About 2021 — But Here Goes…

Cindy Rizzo
8 min readDec 28, 2020

No one writing in 2019 could have predicted what was in store for us in 2020. So you’d have to be insane or arrogant beyond belief to think you can predict anything about 2021. Yet here I am, hopefully neither insane nor arrogant. I guess I’ll have to leave that up to you.

The Beginning of the End of the Pandemic

It’s not going to be pretty. There’ll be more spikes in cases, hospitalizations and deaths. There’ll be continued resistance to masks and social distancing — basically more Covidiots. The presence of the vaccine will exacerbate this because more people will believe the whole thing is over despite what Fauci or anyone else says.

Resistance to masks and attendance at super-spreader events will become part and parcel of the pro-Trump/anti-Biden agenda. We can look forward to some type of 2021 version of the Tea Party anti-public health edition (effectively countered only if Biden & Co. develop the response described below).

As more people become eligible for the vaccine beyond the first priority groups, the wait time and lines will be longer, prompting more unrest and more attempts to break into the front of the line. Look for a lot of media stories about this.

Politics in the Age of 46



Cindy Rizzo

Is a NYC Jewish lesbian, a long-time activist for social & racial justice, a queer in philanthropy, & a writer about all things LGBT plus lesbian romance.