Still Crazy After 2021: My Predictions for 2022

Cindy Rizzo
3 min readDec 27, 2021

Last year I told you I was crazy to predict anything about 2021 but I still made a bunch of predictions. Because I’m nothing if not accountable, I rated each prediction for accuracy and shared those ratings.

Now, turning to the year ahead, I’m sticking my neck out again.

The Pandemic

I’ll wager one more variant (let’s call it Omega because that’s the last letter of the Greek alphabet) with milder symptoms for those vaccinated and boosted. Basically, the virus is weakening and 2022 is the last year it’s going to plague us.

Many stories and analyses will show the impact of COVID on red America and blue America. The older and redder and more opposed to vaccine and mask mandates, the lower life expectancy.

Politics, the Economy, Policy

Inflation will peak and drop in 2022, helping Biden’s poll numbers get back over 50 percent, but not much higher.

Build Back Better will pass but it’ll be a bit watered down (maybe Build Back A Bit) because Manchin. This will also help Biden’s poll numbers.

I’m going out on a limb to say that some version of voting rights legislation will pass, also a bit watered down. But it’ll be too late to push back against all of the changes…



Cindy Rizzo

Is a NYC Jewish lesbian, a long-time activist for social & racial justice, a queer in philanthropy, & a writer about all things LGBT plus lesbian romance.